table tennis wiki
Refers to playing with the back of the bat; the back of the hand faces the opponent.
When hitting the ball by a forward- backward movement at the lower end (so called „South Pole“) the ball gets a reverse rotation causing a slower play of the ball.
With the invention of the celluloid in 1856 the beginning for the table tennis ball was made. In 1890/1891 the first celluloid balls already have been produced.
The Ball today
The ball has to be consistent round and its diameter is 40 mm. The weight is 2,7 g. The ball consists of plastic (celluloid is no longer allowed in competitive sport) and it is matt-finished or matt-orange.
Ball and bat holders
Most of the SPONETA-models for hobby use (S 1 to S 5/SDL line) have got holders for bats and balls which are fixed at the side.