table tennis wiki



The ball has to be played on the half of the opponent. Before you play the ball it may jump up on your own table half only once. It is not allowed to take the ball in the air. Before the ball strikes the opposing table half it may only touch the net or the net post.

It is a mistake when the ball touches other things like clothes, the wall or the ceiling.

A ball that touches the opposing table half does only count if the ball touches the top edge on not the side of the table.

Rotating handle system

By turning the handle 90°, the lock of the tabletop opens depending on the direction of the rotation. After unlocking the opposite side, the tabletop can be brought from the storage position to the playing position as well as from the playing position to the storage position.

In use in: S 1-42/43, S 1-72/73 i/e (video safety system S 1-72i)

example video

Rules of the game


The ball has to be thrown up vertical behind the table.
The person who serves the ball has to play the ball with the bat so that the ball first touches his table half and then the half of his opponent.

In the case that the ball touches the net there will be a „net serve“ and so the serve has to be repeated. In the case that you do not hit the thrown up ball then it is a mistake and the opponent will get the point.

Every player will serve two times and then the opponent has to serve. There is one exception in the overtime: Beginning with a score of 10 to 10 the players will serve by turns.

At the double the person who serves has to play the ball diagonal from his forehand site to the forhand site of the opponent (for a right hander). There are no restrictions for singles.


The ball has to be played on the half of the opponent. Before you play the ball it may jump up on your own table half only once. It is not allowed to take the ball in the air. Before the ball strikes the opposing table half it may only touch the net or the net post.

It is a mistake when the ball touches other things like clothes, the wall or the ceiling.

A ball that touches the opposing table half does only count if the ball touches the top edge on not the side of the table.


The player who receives 11 points first wins the set. If both players have received 10 points they have to play an overtime. The one who has a winning margin of 2 points wins the set (12:10 or 13:11, and so on).

After every set the players have to do a changeover. In the essential last set the changeover will be made immediately after one player has received 5 points.


Normally a game consists of 3 winning sets. In the maximum 5 sets can be played if there is a 2:2 tie and the 5th set brings the decision.