table tennis wiki



Depending on the model and its design, different cartons and pallets are provided.

When the table tennis table is delivered please, check the packaging carefully and make a note on the delivery note in case of any damages. Otherwise we cannot accept any damages at the table tennis table which have been caused during transit.


PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) is a transparent and independent system for ensuring sustainable forest management and thus a worldwide "forest TÜV". The certification aims to promote sustainable forest management. The primary objective of the PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) is to provide buyers of wood products with accurate information of the source of the used material.

Sponeta is (under Certigficate No 44702181955) part of the CoC.

Ping Pong

In 1891 Engineer James Gibb brought the celluloid ball from America to Europe. The ping-pong sound emerged as an acoustic icon. From now on this term, which appeared because of the noise of the ball in 1878 for the first time, has replaced the term “room-tennis”. Several manufacturers created new terms e.g. Gossima, Whiff Waff, Flim Flam and finally Table Tennis. In 1891the businessman John Jaques de Croyden, a friend of Gibb, applied for a patent for the name “Ping Pong” with the English Patent Office and sold the American rights to company Parker Brothers.

Protection cover

Sponeta offers three kinds:

Universalfitsfor all tables except:S 6-66/67 und S 6-80/86/87

Typ 1 fitsfor the following tables: S 6-66/67 und S 6-80/86/87

SDL fitsfor the following tables: SDL, S 1-42/43, S 1-72/73, S 2-72/73, S 3-72/73, S 3-80/87, S 4-70/72/73, S 5-70/72/73, S 6-12/13, S 6-52/53, S 7-12/13, S 7-62/63, S 8-36/37, S 8-36/37 w